André Elbing
official photographer
official photographer
During the festival you will be photographed by the famous dance photographer André Elbing. For over 30 years he's photographed thousands of dance events and dancers. 5 photos of EVERY ONE of your performances will be given to you for free. The rest are available for order on site and later online on his website www.andre-elbing.de
You have a unique opportunity to order individual photoshoot with André at any of the beautiful Warsaw locations!
First 30 minutes 100€, each next 30 minutes +50€. Each 30 minutes include 2 fully retouched photographs. Additional photographs are 10€ per photo.
Do not hesitate to book your photoshoot through festival organizers or with André directly on his Facebook page
official videographer
ALL your amazing performances will be filmed by one of the best bellydance videographers with over 10 years of experience – Vladimir Kluchenkov — and videos will be given to you for free.